Swallows Nest Barn Wedding / Jordan + Jemma


“We both knew exactly the type of wedding we were looking for. Being an Events Manager and a Designer, we threw ourselves into the idea of creating our wedding from scratch, doing as much as possible ourselves. This way, we could include all the things that are important and unique to us.

Our venue gave us everything we could have asked for in a space, allowing us to create the day we’d dreamed of. Surrounded by picturesque fields in Sherbourne, Warwickshire, the barn had a beautiful country track approach setting the scene perfectly for our day.

Then began the planning and designing. Over the next 18 months, although our to-do list grew so did our enthusiasm and excitement on what we hoped to achieve to make our day unique to us. These months were filled reminiscing on our time together, the adventures we’d been on and the memories we’d made. We wanted to bring into our day who we are and what makes us tick; from Jemma’s obsession with gin through to Jordan’s love of blue, beer and typography while sharing and celebrating our journey with our loved ones.

Our bridal party: an amazing group of friends and family who we love dearly, were incredibly hands on. They painted, cut, sprayed, poured drinks and arranged flowers in a frantic and fun last few days helping us get everything ready. They were incredible and selfless and we can’t thank them enough.

And so to our day.

It was perfect. It was everything we hoped it would be and more. Being together with all our friends and family as we became husband and wife felt incredible and a little surreal. Looking around and seeing all of the hard work and effort everyone had had given to this day made us feel an amazing sense of achievement and happiness. From start to finish, mixed with laughter and a fair few tears, our day gave us memories we will cherish forever.

For us, the decision to put our heart and soul into the preparation of our day was a simple one. We had total faith in each other on what we could achieve. And while trimming paper into the early hours and painting intricate designs onto extremely uncooperative OSB became normality, we would do it all again in a heartbeat. Finally, when the day arrived it was the icing on the naked cake. Our journey to husband and wife culminated in the best day of our lives, sharing it with those we loved most.

What more could we have asked for.” – J&J

Beautiful words from two beautiful humans. Jordan and Jemma, thanks for everything. You both were both beyond a dream to work with.  I really enjoyed getting to know to both, from the early days of email to finally meeting you both in person. I feel so honoured to have been a part of your personal & creative wedding day, you talented pair.

Before I share their story, I have to give special thanks and love to the wonderful Elaine Williams for joining me in lending her artistic talents for the day. This wedding is the perfect example of the magic that can happen when you have two photographers, something I always recommend for larger weddings. Elaine worked amazingly alongside me all day, adding another layer to the story. It all came together beautifully.  So, thank you Elaine for all your hard work and stunning images in helping create Jordan & Jemma’s Swallows Nest Barn wedding story:

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Apologies for piggy backing on your post, but is there anyway you could put me in touch with this couple? I am really keen to find out where they got some of their decor from?
Beautiful photos!